Refurbished Thermal Oxidizer Treating Flooring Manufacturer Emissions

Refurbished Thermal Oxidizer Treating Flooring Manufacturer Emissions

Kono Kogs refurbished a thermal oxidizer (TOX) for this major flooring Manufacturer

Type of Work:
Equipment & Installation
Type of Equipment:
Thermal Oxidizer


A leading flooring manufacturer sought a replacement for a failing thermal oxidizer currently treating their oven emissions. Time was critical due to the fact they could not run their flooring line without an operating oxidizer. The replacement oxidizer would ideally mount on the existing roof superstructure in place of the existing oxidizer. A ground mounted oxidizer was ruled out due to the long lengths of expensive ductwork needed to route the emissions from this central roof location.

Photos: In Progess

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Thermal oxidizer capital cost was <50% of new equipment


Kono Kogs provided a refurbished thermal oxidizer (TOX) that had been previously treating emissions from a heatset web offset printing application.

The thermal oxidizer design proposed and selected had only a short time in service before being taken off-line. It also had a similar weight to the TOX that was being replaced, allowing mounting on the existing roof superstructure, requiring no structure modifications.  

The unit was delivered well ahead of the customer's preferred time frame, averting risks of production shutdown. The bent tube heat exchanger design in this TOX is unique. It provides a much longer lifespan than conventional, straight tube heat exchangers. The unit in our inventory also had only a few years of 24/7/365 operation, so it saw few heating/cooling cycles that are detrimental to thermal oxidizer lifespan.

Kono Kogs also worked with this customer to supervise the installation of the TOX, guiding their preferred mechanical contractor. The contractor also had performed the calculations to verify the superstructure strength.

Photos: After

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Equipment & Services Provided

  • Fully refurbished recuperative thermal oxidizer
    • Long-life bent tube heat exchanger design
    • PLC & MMI upgrade
  • Installation supervision of customer contractor
  • Equipment commissioning
  • Parts Warranty & VOC destruction warranty
Thermal Oxidizer


Refurbished Recuperative Thermal Oxidizer


  • Refurbished thermal oxidizer - 8,800 scfm


  • Shipping
  • Installation supervision of customer's contractor
  • Equipment commissioning

Benefits: Lower Capital Cost and Low Maintenance

  • TOX capital cost <50% of new equipment
  • Parts & performance warranty matching new equipment
  • Bent tube heat exchanger (HX) design= longer life than straight HX
  • Light weight vs. RTO option allowed:
    • roof mount on existing structure
    • limited new ductwork